Building the next generation of MultiValue experts at H3O Business Technologies

Lead your team, don’t manage them

By Lee Burstow
25 Sep, 2024
Building the Next Generation of MultiValue Experts at H3O Business Technologies
MultiValue System Modernisation: The Best of Both Worlds
Who Needs Managers When You Have a Team Like Ours?
Training Tomorrow’s Tech Leaders
The Goal? Success, Together

Building the Next Generation of MultiValue Experts at H3O Business Technologies

At H3O BusinessTechnologies, we believe the key to success is a healthy mix of youthful enthusiasm, seasoned expertise, and a serious commitment to modernising MultiValue systems (without taking ourselves too seriously). Our team is composed of bright young professionals who are full of fresh ideas, and they’re supported by some wonderfully wise - and occasionally grumpy - veterans of the industry.

This blend allows us to stay ahead of the curve, delivering top-notch solutions while having a bit of fun along the way.

MultiValue System Modernisation: The Best of Both Worlds

MultiValue systems may have been around for a while (a bit like some of our senior developers), but they’re still as relevant as ever for businesses managing complex data. At H3O, we take the old and make it new again, whether it's through our bespoke AQL gateway product or through our sharp-eyed team who see modernisation opportunities where others see dusty legacy systems.Our young professionals bring innovation and a fresh approach, while our more experienced team members guide them with the steady hand of experience. It’s like having a fast sports car with a reliable, slightly worn-in engine—speedy but always reliable. No corners cut here.

Who Needs Managers When You Have a Team Like Ours?

Now, let’s talk about our unusual approach to team management. Or rather, our lack of it! At H3O, we don’t have the typical managerial hierarchy. We’ve scrapped the whole "manager says, you do" setup and replaced it with something much more collaborative and - dare we say - democratic.

No one is shouting orders from an ivory tower here. Instead, we trust our team to contribute ideas, give feedback, and take initiative. You’ll find our experienced team members mentoring the younger ones, not micromanaging them. (Though they do have some fascinating war stories about debugging sessions from the early 2000s…)

Training Tomorrow’s Tech Leaders

It’s no secret that the world of technology is moving fast. That’s why we invest in the professional growth of our people. We send our junior team members off on LinkedIn courses, provide hands-on project work, and give them every opportunity to learn the dark arts of MultiValue system modernisation. (Okay, it’s not that mysterious, but it is a niche skill.)

And our veterans? They’re more than happy to share their treasure trove of knowledge - especially when it comes with a side of coffee and the odd pub anecdote.

The Goal? Success, Together

We’re all about teamwork here at H3O. Whether you’re fresh out of university or have been wrangling code for decades, your voice matters. This collaborative ethos drives our business forward, helping us deliver modernisation solutions that make even the most stubborn legacy systems sit up and behave.

H3O isn’t just about technology; it’s about people. And by mixing the best of both worlds - young professionals and industry veterans—we’re building something that’s more than just a company. We’re shaping the future of MultiValue modernisation one bright idea (and one caffeine-fuelled meeting) at a time.

So, whether you’re a fan of legacy systems or prefer something a little more cutting-edge, we’ve got you covered. At H3O, we’re modernising the world, one line of code—and one joke—at a time.